Using Scientific Tools with Mamba and Conda
This assumes that you have already followed the using mamba for the first time tutorial on this site.
Mamba environments manage dependencies and packages for you, and are the preferred way to install R packages.
Most R packages can be installed from mamba by prepending "r-" eg "r-tidyverse" etc.
Only where the package does not exist is it recommended to use package.install
in R.
Note - all of these installations assume you have logged on to an interactive session on Alma.
This is a package for variant effect prediction found on github.
It is most commonly installed from github with perl but can be installed with conda.
When installed with conda, the package is called ensembl-vep
. The plugins are aliased as vep_install
, below shows the creation of a conda environment and the installation of the human cache.
mamba create --name bio-perl-vep -c conda-forge -c bioconda -c defaults perl-bioperl=1.7.8 ensembl-vep
mamba activate bio-perl-vep
vep -help
vep_install -help
vep_install -a cf -s homo_sapiens -y GRCh38 -c ./ —CONVERT
vep --cache --dir_cache "./" \
-i "./C1D_filtered_SOPRANO.vcf" \
-o "./vep_output.txt" \
This is a package for Mendelian Randomization analysis found on github.
- Create and activate a virtual environment
- Manually install some packages in a dependency safe way
- Install custom package
Nextflow (latest version)
See further nextflow instructions here.