Running TensorFlow python code on an Alma GPU
Maintained by: Rachel Alcraft. Last updated: 1st August 2024
TensorFlow is a popular machine learning library that can be used to train and run deep learning models. TensorFlow can be run on a GPU to speed up training and inference. This guide will show you how to run TensorFlow code on an Alma GPU.
Getting the versions to match is tricky, this recipe works on 11th July 2024 when CUDA 11.1 on Alma at /opt/software/compilers/cuda/11.1 is the most recent CUDA version. The versions of TensorFlow and CUDA are changing rapidly so you may need to adjust the versions to get them to work together.
Create the mamba environment
Get setup on Alma
Create a mamba environment to work in for compatible versions:
We have cuda 11.1 installed so we need:
Versions compatibility link
Version | Python | version | Compiler | Build tools | cuDNN | CUDA |
tensorflow-2.4.0 | 3.6-3.8 | GCC | 7.3.1 | Bazel 3.1.0 | 8.0 | 11.0 |
mamba create -n my-tensorflow -c conda-forge python=3.7 cudatoolkit=11.2.2 cudnn=
mamba activate my-tensorflow
mamba install conda-forge::tensorflow
mamba install conda-forge::tensorflow-gpu
Check that the required versions of python and TensorFlow were correctly installed
which python
python --version
python -m pip show tensorflow
python -c "import sys; print('\n'.join(sys.path))"
Navigate somewhere sensible
Create a python script to run TensorFlow code
Create a file /path/to/your/code/
with the following content:
import sys
import tensorflow as tf
print("Starting Cuda-GPU-TensorFlow Test")
from tensorflow.python.client import device_lib
local_device_protos = device_lib.list_local_devices()
num_gpus = 0
for x in local_device_protos:
if 'GPU' in x.device_type:
num_gpus += 1
print('Num GPUs Available: ', num_gpus)
Create a batch script to run the python script
Create a file /path/to/your/code/
with the following content:
#SBATCH -J "tf_test"
#SBATCH -p gpu
#SBATCH -e tf_tst.err
#SBATCH -o tf_tst.out
#SBATCH -t 12:00:00
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:1
python ./
Submit the batch script to the queue
You can submit the batch job to slurmn and it will be run on a GPU node.
Monitor the job
Check the job is running and on a gpu node:
Check the output
The output from the print statements in python are diverted to the file tf_tst.out
and any errors are diverted to tf_tst.err
. You can check the output with the following command:
Test the GPU by training a model
You can now create some more serious TensorFlow code and submit it to the queue to run on a GPU node that will be run on a GPU. You can check the speed on the GPU node compared to the interactive node.
Create another file /path/to/your/code/
with the following content:
We are using the test training code for CPU vs GPU from this site: Benchmarking CPU And GPU Performance With Tensorflow
First add some more modules to the mamba environment:
Create a python file
Create a file
with the following content in this file
Test the file works from the interactive node:
Create 2 new sbatch files
Create a file
with the following content:
#SBATCH -J "cpu_train"
#SBATCH -p compute
#SBATCH -e cpu_train.err
#SBATCH -o cpu_train.out
#SBATCH -t 12:00:00
python ./ cpu
#SBATCH -J "gpu_train"
#SBATCH -p gpu
#SBATCH -e gpu_train.err
#SBATCH -o gpu_train.out
#SBATCH -t 12:00:00
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:1
python ./ gpu
Run them both
chmod +x
chmod +x
Monitor the jobs
Check the job is running and on a gpu node:
Check the output
The output from the print statements in python are diverted to the file tf_tst.out
and any errors are diverted to tf_tst.err
. You can check the output with the following command: