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Running Matlab code from Python on Alma

Maintained by: Rachel Alcraft. Last updated: 31st July 2024

Running MatLab code from python requires the installation of an additional package called matlab.engine. This package is installed using pip system into a mamba environment.

We need to control the version to be compatible with Alma - pythons 3.9, 3.10 and 3.11 are compatible with the latest Alma installation of MatLab R2023b, and compatible with matlabengine==23.2.1

If you want to use an earlier python version, you will need to install an earlier version of the MatLab engine. For compatibility with python 3.8 (eg ig=f you are using a cuda gpu) you will need to install matlabengine==9.14.7

Get setup on Alma

Log onto an interactive session on Alma

srun --pty --mem=10GB -c 1 -t 30:00:00 -p interactive bash

Create a mamba environment to work in

mamba create -n my-matlab python=3.11
mamba activate my-matlab

add the library path

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/software/applications/MATLAB/R2023b/bin/glnxa64

Install the MatLab engine

python -m pip install --upgrade pip
python -m pip install matlabengine==23.2.1

Check that the required python and MatLab versions were correctly installed

which python
python --version
python -m pip show matlabengine
python -c "import sys; print('\n'.join(sys.path))"

Start the MatLab engine and test it

Open the python shell


Run the following: paste it in line by line

print("Starting MatLab Test")
import matlab.engine
eng = matlab.engine.start_matlab()
x = 4.0
eng.workspace['y'] = x
a = eng.eval('sqrt(y)')
print("If a == 2.0 then it works!")
print("a =",a)
You can now create scripts that use MatLab and run on Alma when using this mamba environment. Further resources for the installation and use of the MatLab engine can be found below.


