Running Matlab code from Python on Alma
Maintained by: Rachel Alcraft. Last updated: 31st July 2024
Running MatLab code from python requires the installation of an additional package called matlab.engine
. This package is installed using pip system into a mamba environment.
We need to control the version to be compatible with Alma - pythons 3.9, 3.10 and 3.11 are compatible with the latest Alma installation of MatLab R2023b, and compatible with matlabengine==23.2.1
If you want to use an earlier python version, you will need to install an earlier version of the MatLab engine. For compatibility with python 3.8 (eg ig=f you are using a cuda gpu) you will need to install matlabengine==9.14.7
Get setup on Alma
Log onto an interactive session on Alma
Create a mamba environment to work in
add the library path
Install the MatLab engine
Check that the required python and MatLab versions were correctly installed
which python
python --version
python -m pip show matlabengine
python -c "import sys; print('\n'.join(sys.path))"
Start the MatLab engine and test it
Open the python shell
Run the following: paste it in line by line
print("Starting MatLab Test")
import matlab.engine
eng = matlab.engine.start_matlab()
x = 4.0
eng.workspace['y'] = x
a = eng.eval('sqrt(y)')
print("If a == 2.0 then it works!")
print("a =",a)