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Using python scripts on Alma - Environments

Creating an environment with your installations will enable you to use python scripts on Alma in a reproducible manner. The environment can be shared with colleagues, help desk, and collaborators to ensure that the same environment is used for the same results. It also means that in the future you can recreate the environment to run the same scripts.

  1. First get an interactive session:

    srun --pty -t 12:00:00 -p interactive bash

  2. Check that mamba is working

    mamba --version
    # which should return:
    mamba 1.4.0
    conda 23.1.0
    If not make sure you have followed the setup mamba instructions

  3. Create a new environment

    mamba create --name my-env-name python=3.10
    mamba activate my-env-name
    # locally as an alternative
    mamba create --prefix ./my-env-name python=3.10
    mamba activate ./my-env-name

  4. Check you have the environment you expect

    python --version

  5. Installing packages It is preferable to use mamba to install python packages like matplotlib etc

    mamba install matplotlib

  6. If you need to use a python script, you can use the python command

    pip install matplotlib
    But it is better to use mamba to install packages where possible.

  7. Export and import the environment

    # exporting the environment
    mamba env export --name my-env-name > my-env-name.yml
    pip freeze > my-env-name.txt
    # Loading the environment
    mamba env create --file my-env-name.yml
    pip install -r my-env-name.txt

  8. Deactivate the environment

    mamba deactivate

  9. Remove the environment Warning this means to remove all the packages and the environment, only do this if you really want to.

    mamba remove --name my-env-name --all

  10. Check what environments I have available

    mamba env list